A recent adventurous trip through Scotland’s interior landscape was embarked upon by three couples from Duluth: Kay and Mike Montgomery, Beth and Woody Bell, along with Susan and David Baker. The two-week journey was designed based on the belief that the region’s most remarkable sites would be found inland, while limiting the coastal visits.
Mike and Kay Montgomery’s excursion to Scotland was not a solo adventure. Joining them were their friends and fellow Duluth residents, Beth and Woody Bell, alongside Susan and David Baker. This companionship created an intricate mix of experiences that they planned to explore over the fortnight.
The trip’s focus was primarily the Scottish interiors. This decision was propelled by the insight that Scotland’s beauty is not solely captured in its coastal areas, but arguably more profound in its interior territories. Over the course of the two weeks, the three couples extensively ventured through Scotland’s stunning inland landscapes.
By concentrating on inland locations, the couples successfully tapped into the heart of what remarkably characterizes Scotland. The strategic decision allowed them to explore the most unadulterated landscapes of the region while evading the often popularly visited coastal areas. The choice inspired an entirely unique perspective on Scotland’s beauty.
In sum, a two-week exploration through Scotland’s interior regions was embarked upon by three Duluth-based couples recently. Their proactive decision to focus on inland rather than coastal areas offered them an authentic and deeply enriched travel experience.